Keep your hands dirty: Carry your Edge node around by a Drone

Internet of Things (IoT) has been around for a while and It is gaining momentum day by day. Billions of devices have been connected to the global network and the number is exponentially growing . Very often, tremendous amount of data generated by those connected devices are sent across long routes to the Cloud for processing. With edge computing, the data can be pre-processed/analyzed at the edge (close to where the data was generated) to reduce unnecessary backhaul traffic to the Cloud or even help to make decision based on the data right at the edge.

In my research, I need to collect data samples from various positions and provide the data as input for AI training happening at the Edge. The refined/analyzed data then will be sent to IBM Cloud for persisting and performing more advanced analyzing as needed. The task would have been very challenging if I had to do it manually but thanks to the affordable Tello EDU drone, I could automate it with very little coding effort.

I soldered one edge node which is a Raspberry Pi 0 W with a bunch of microservices running in side, to the drone and let it fly automatically on a pre-defined route by deploying a simple Node-Red flow on it. The drone has quite comprehensive set of API for us to program with. Using Node-Red does not look that appealing but practical and it does the job with very little code. The trick here is to “compose” the commands, then split and put them into a queue for execution one by one.

Node-Red flow for drone mission with pre-defined flight path

The outcome looks promising in a test flight:

Auto pilot flying mission

Here is the full Node-Red flow that I deployed and run:

[{"id":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","type":"tab","label":"Auto Pilot Flight Plan","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"1e1c37d9.fea328","type":"debug","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload","targetType":"msg","x":949,"y":394,"wires":[]},{"id":"65815c4d.3b3774","type":"function","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"Command queue","func":"// Use a message queue to handle this mission\nvar queue = context.get(\"queue\") || [];\nvar busy = context.get(\"busy\") || false;\n\n// Ready for processing next command\nif (msg.hasOwnProperty(\"ready\")) {\n    if (queue.length > 0) {\n        var message = queue.shift();\n        msg.payload = message.command;\n        return msg;\n    } else {\n        context.set(\"busy\", false);\n    }\n// This happens the first time the node is processed\n} else {\n    // This builds up the command queue\n    if (busy) {\n        queue.push(msg.payload);\n        context.set(\"queue\", queue);\n    // When the command queue is done building we pass the message to the next node and begin the mission\n    } else {\n        context.set(\"busy\", true);\n        msg.payload = msg.payload.command;\n        return msg;\n    }\n}\n\n// We only want messages to be passed based on the logic above\nreturn null;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":659,"y":328,"wires":[["1e1c37d9.fea328","d5711baa.17ec8"]]},{"id":"7a8899f8.e50bc","type":"function","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"Ready","func":"msg.ready = true;\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":521,"y":415,"wires":[["65815c4d.3b3774"]]},{"id":"d5711baa.17ec8","type":"udp out","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"","addr":"","iface":"","port":"8889","ipv":"udp4","outport":"52955","base64":false,"multicast":"false","x":932,"y":254,"wires":[]},{"id":"5d8260bc.25d148","type":"udp in","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"","iface":"","port":"52955","ipv":"udp4","multicast":"false","group":"","datatype":"utf8","x":179,"y":505,"wires":[["6f1cadd6.e7effc"]]},{"id":"6f1cadd6.e7effc","type":"switch","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"","property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"eq","v":"ok","vt":"str"},{"t":"else"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":2,"x":329,"y":505,"wires":[["54b3260c.3f662"],[]]},{"id":"f54fadcc.3cdd7","type":"template","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"Drone Mission","field":"payload","fieldType":"msg","format":"handlebars","syntax":"plain","template":"command\ntakeoff\nup 70\nforward 450\ncw 90\nforward 450\ncw 90\nforward 450\ncw 90\nforward 400\ncw 90\nforward 400\ncw 90\nforward 400\ndown 30\ncw 90\nforward 350\ncw 90\nforward 350\ncw 90\nforward 350\nup 50\ncw 90\nforward 300\ncw 90\nforward 300\ncw 90\nforward 300\ncw 90\nforward 250\ncw 90\nforward 250\ncw 90\nforward 250\nup 60\ncw 90\nforward 200\ncw 90\nforward 200\ncw 90\nforward 200\ndown 50\ncw 90\nforward 100\ncw 90\nforward 100\ncw 90\nforward 100\ncw 90\nforward 50\ncw 90\nforward 50\ncw 90\nforward 50\ncw 90\nup 120\nflip f\nforward 50\ncw 90\nforward 50\ncw 90\nforward 50\ncw 90\nflip f\nforward 100\ncw 90\nforward 100\ncw 90\nforward 100\ncw 90\nflip f\nforward 150\ncw 90\nforward 150\ncw 90\nforward 150\ncw 90\nforward 200\ncw 90\nforward 200\ncw 90\nforward 200\ncw 90\nforward 250\ncw 90\nforward 250\ncw 90\nforward 250\ncw 90\nforward 300\ncw 90\nforward 300\ncw 90\nforward 300\ncw 90\nforward 350\ncw 90\nforward 350\ncw 90\nforward 350\ncw 90\nforward 350\ncw 90\nland","output":"str","x":275,"y":368,"wires":[["d109059.e2b9578"]]},{"id":"d109059.e2b9578","type":"csv","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"Split commands","sep":",","hdrin":"","hdrout":"","multi":"one","ret":"\\n","temp":"command","skip":"0","x":454,"y":219,"wires":[["65815c4d.3b3774"]]},{"id":"3da54070.a7b7f8","type":"inject","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"Launch","topic":"","payload":"true","payloadType":"bool","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":125,"y":249,"wires":[["f54fadcc.3cdd7"]]},{"id":"f5ab9078.b0e4b","type":"comment","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"Build the mission and send commands only when the drone is ready","info":"","x":265.5,"y":171,"wires":[]},{"id":"54b3260c.3f662","type":"delay","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"","pauseType":"delay","timeout":"1","timeoutUnits":"seconds","rate":"1","nbRateUnits":"1","rateUnits":"second","randomFirst":"1","randomLast":"5","randomUnits":"seconds","drop":false,"x":497.5,"y":498,"wires":[["7a8899f8.e50bc"]]},{"id":"beb44409.95d2f8","type":"inject","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"Abort Mayday Abort","topic":"","payload":"land","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":"","x":227,"y":87,"wires":[["8eabbf5a.05afe"]]},{"id":"8eabbf5a.05afe","type":"change","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"Emergency landing","rules":[{"t":"delete","p":"payload","pt":"msg"},{"t":"set","p":"payload.tellocmd","pt":"msg","to":"land","tot":"str"},{"t":"set","p":"payload.distance","pt":"msg","to":"0","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":504,"y":72,"wires":[["cc199cfa.0a5a2"]]},{"id":"cc199cfa.0a5a2","type":"function","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"Send Tello Command","func":"var telloaction ;\n\nif( msg.payload.distance != \"0\") {\n   telloaction = new Buffer( msg.payload.tellocmd + ' '+ msg.payload.distance );\n} else {\n   telloaction = new Buffer( msg.payload.tellocmd );\n}\n\nmsg.payload = telloaction;\t\nreturn msg;\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":767,"y":87,"wires":[["d5711baa.17ec8"]]},{"id":"192bec1a.026024","type":"comment","z":"4dbfac54.ca76e4","name":"Put the commands in a queue to execute one by one","info":"","x":802,"y":436,"wires":[]}]

Keep your hands dirty – Build a small robot which can see, speak and read

This post guides you through how to connect your Raspberry Pi to IBM Watson services and make a simple robot which can listen to your commands, recognize objects, report back in voice. It can also read text content in English.

If you follow the instruction (and lucky), you will have something like this:

Architecture overview

Hardware requirements

  • A Raspberry Pi B. I use Raspberry 3 for this tutorial, which has built-in wifi. If you have other models, you need to make sure you have a Wifi dongle or other ways to get your Pi connected to the internet (eg: sharing the internet connection with your workstation through ethernet, etc)
  • A speaker. I use an Anker A7910 mini speaker
  • A Raspberry pi camera

Other requirements

  • IBM Cloud account, free, click here
  • Refer to this link to know how to setup your Pi. Try to get the latest OS version.
  • Git, Node.js, npm on your Raspberry:

$sudo apt-get install nodejs npm node-semver

Steps to “cook” this recipe

Create Watson text to speech service

Follow this instruction ( to create a text to speech service in IBM Cloud environment. Again, it’s free.
Create Watson speech to text service
Login to IBM Cloud ( with your registered ID, then Go to Catalog, Search for speech to text, or click here and select the service.

Name the service and credential if you want, or just leave them by default, Select Create
Once the service is created, go to Service credentials , View credentials section to record the username and password information. You will need it later for the app. You can always create a new credential to access the service as needed, by selecting New credential

Create Watson Visual Recognition service

Similarly to the Text To Speech and Speech To Text service, create a Visual Recognition service and then record the credentials to be used later in the code

Install OCR application on your Pi

$sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-eng

Clone the code and install dependencies

Clone the source code:
Get into your Pi using SSH or VNC client. From the terminal in your Raspberry Pi, perform this command to get the source code:

$sudo git clone

Put your Watson services credentials (Text to speech, Speech to text and Visual Recognition service) into the config.js file following the template. You also can configure other values in the file to meet your need.
Run the code:

$cd seebot
$sudo npm install
$sudo npm start

Now you can talk to the robot and experience what you see in the demo video.